The Science of Consciousness 2025
31st Annual TSC Conference -Venue: AC Forum Marriott
B A R C E L O N A July 6-11
Workshops, Plenaries, Concurrents, Exhibits, Demos, Social, Poetry Slam
followed by and in concert with the 4th Annual FoC-25

B A R C E L O N A July 11–13
adjacent to AC Forum Marriott
Music, Art, Experiential, Inspiration, Spirituality, Education, Business, Evolution
Registration is Now Open
Combo Ticket - includes access to the Conference and Festival
Standard: 600 EUR - Student: 350 EUR
(Remote: 150 EUR avail in April)
The Science of Consciousness (‘TSC’) conference is the world’s longest running inter-disciplinary gathering on the study of consciousness, the nature of existence and our place in the universe. TSC has alternated yearly since 1994 between Tucson, Arizona USA and elsewhere including Italy, Denmark, Japan, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Hong Kong, India, California, Switzerland, Finland, and in 2023 Taormina, on the island of Sicily. In 2025 TSC will be in Barcelona, Spain preceding and in conjunction with The Festival of Consciousness.
We are at a crossroads in the age-old study of consciousness. Over the past thirty years approaches to understanding consciousness have diverged along two distinct paths: 1) ‘neurocomputational’ views of the brain as a complex computer of simple neurons, a view compatible with AI systems becoming conscious, and 2) ‘funda-mental’ views in which consciousness is intrinsic to the universe, connected to the brain through quantum biology. Exploring the funda-mental view, TSC embraces neuroscience biology far more rigorously than AI-compatible simple neurons. Ironically, conscious AI may be most likely to occur in biomimetic quantum computers.

2025 - Barcelona - PLENARY Sessions
Plenary Program Schedule (July 7-July 11)
Monday July 7
Plenary 1 8:30 am - 10:40 am
Consciousness and Reality
Sir Roger Penrose * Don Hoffman * Avshalom Elitzur
Plenary 2 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
AI, LLMs and Biomimetic Quantum Computing
Farhan Lakhany * Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Plenary 3 2:00 pm – 4:10 pm
Brain Oscillations, Waves and Nested Scales
Earl K Miller * Matthew Larkum * Sabine Kastner
Tuesday July 8
Plenary 4 8:30 am - 10:40 am
Theories of Consciousness and Brain Modulation
Robert Lawrence Kuhn * Giulio Ruffini * Jay Sanguinetti
Plenary 5 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
Anesthesia and Consciousness
Michael Wiest * TBA
Plenary 6 2:00 pm – 4:10 pm
Psychedelics and Consciousness
William Richards * Pär Halje * TBA
Wednesday July 9
Plenary 7 8:30 am - 10:40 am
Consciousness and Quantum Measurement
Ivette Fuentes * Thomas Brophy * Santosh Helekar
Plenary 8 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
Consciousness and Vibrations in Spacetime Geometry
Anirban Bandyopadhyay * William Brown
Plenary 9 2:00 pm – 4:10 pm
Quantum Biology and SuperRadiance
Philip Kurian * Dante Lauretta * Anita Goel
Thursday July 10
Plenary 10 8:30 am - 10:40 am
Energy, Information and Consciousness in the Universe
Nassim Haramein * Rupert Sheldrake * TBA
Plenary 11 11:10 am – 12:35 pm
End-of-Life Brain Activity
Jimo Borjigin * Alex Gomez-Marin
Plenary 12 2:00 pm – 4:10 pm
Evidence for Non-Local Consciousness and Extrasensory Perception
David del Rosario * Javier Sierra * Dean Radin
Friday July 11
Plenary 13 9:00 am - 11:10 am
Prospects for Extraterrestrial Consciousness
Brannon Wheeler * Ross Coulthart * TBA*
Plenary 14 11:40 am – 13:00 pm
Quantum Fields and Consciousness
Deepak Chopra * Federico Faggin
conference close
WORKSHOPS - Sunday July 6 - updating descriptions
- 3 parallel sessions - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm-6:00 pm & 1 Sunday evening session 7:00 pm -10:00 pm (speakers subject to change)
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Education and the Landscape Taxonomy of Consciousness Studies - Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Paavo Pylkkänen, Brian Lord (Room 1)
Indian Knowledge Systems and Consciousness - Kunal Mooley, Laxmidhar Behera, Martin Fleming, M Coceal, Hide Saegusa (Room 2)
Quantum Biology - Travis Craddock, Philip Kurian, Aarat Kalra, Jack Tuszynski, Adrienne Vancura, Chayan Nandi, Dana Kippel (Main Ballroom)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm – Break
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Nonlocal Consciousness and Extrasensory Perception - Alex Gómez Marin, David del Rosario, Chris Roe, Dean Radin (Room 1)
Women in Consciousness Studies - Marjorie Woollacott, Joan Walton, Marina Weiler, Mona Sobhani, Allison Paradise, Laurel Waterman (Room 2)
How can we engage more women in consciousness studies scholarship and discourse, and what happens when we do? This workshop features female scholars from different disciplines sharing findings from their consciousness studies research. The theme of the value of women’s contributions to the field will be woven through the presentations and discussions. Do women’s perspectives, questions, approaches, and interpretations offer something potentially new or different to the study of consciousness? Do women have unique experiences of being consciousness researchers that may differ from men’s? If so, how can we bring these experiences into the field to enrich its scope and depth? This workshop will include research presentations by the panelists and dialogues about the future of women in consciousness studies research. Speakers in this workshop include Dr. Marjorie Woollacott (U Oregon, Inst. of Neuroscience), Dr. Joan Walton (York St. John U, Education), Dr. Marina Weiler (U Virginia, DOPS), Dr. Mona Sobhani (IONS), Allison Paradise (CEO, The Epicenter), and Laurel Waterman, PhD. Candidate (U Toronto, Curriculum and Pedagogy).
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
The Varieties of 'BCI’ - Brain Computer Interfaces - G Ruffini, Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Jay Sanguinetti, Brian Lord, Arnaud Delorme (Sponsored by Neuroelectrics, Starlab, PuzzleX, DDG, SEMA Lab, Sanmei) A Maiques, Z Cinker (Main Ballroom)
7:00 pm -10:00 pm
Is Consciousness Funda-Mental? - Nassim Haramein, William Brown, Don Hoffman, Thomas Brophy, (sponsored by ISF, IONS) (Main Ballroom)
5-7 PM (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur)
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6-8 pm (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur)
10 Tables Per Session
AT 1
AT 2
AT 3
AT 4

max 80 per session
room size 500 sq meters - refreshments, finger food
Poster Size
6-8 pm (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur)
PO 1
PO 2
PO 3
PO 4
E 1 - E 10
Standard Tables - Lobby area
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS 2025 TSC - Abstract Submission LINK
Extended deadline: Feb 10, 2025 Notifications - Feb 20, 2025
Concurrent Sessions, Poster Sessions, Art-Tech Demos, Exhibitors,
ADDITIONAL Conference Sessions 2025
Early Morning Experiential Sessions July 7-July 11, - 7:00 -8:15am
Conference / Festival - Dates
TSC 2025 Conference - July 6-11, 2025 - AC Marriott Forum Hotel BCN
FOC 2025 Festival - July 11-13, 2025 - next to the AC Marriott Forum Hotel BCN
Venue / Hotel Reservation LinK 2025

AC Marriott Forum Hotel, Barcelona (BCN)
Passeig Taulat 278 Barcelona, 08019 Barcelona, Spain
ROOM RATE: 174 EUR per night
Buffet Breakfast is included on the room rate per day; single occupancy; tax is not included
GROUP BLOCK NAME/LINK: 2025 The Science of Consciousness
Sponsor Tables/Demos
limited availability contact: center@arizona.edu
Payment via UA Foundation - Center for Consciousness Studies
Instruction Letter Upon Request
For sponsor or exhibitor information please email: center@arizona.edu Exhibitor/Demo tables available in the main lobby


EU Travel – Visas and Travel Waiver Authorizations
New procedures - due to be enacted by mid-2025
Summary of Travel Visa Waiver Authorization Requirements for short term travelers to the EU by mid-2025
Visas are handled by the Embassy and Consulate of Spain in your area. They will provide you with a template form if they need the Conference organizers to provide a letter and signature. Send this form to: center@arizona.edu
New Requirements for Travel to Europe (EES and ETIAS) expected in 2025 - expected to launch in 2025
The Entry/Exit System (EES) expected to launch in 2025 - The Entry/Exit System (EES) is an automated IT system for registering non-EU nationals traveling for a short stay, each time they cross the external borders of any of the following European countries using the system:
European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) ETIAS is not currently in operation and no applications are collected at this point. Expected Date of Operation - mid-2025 - It is due to start 6 months after EES is launched.
ETIAS – European Travel Information and Authorization System -This is an expected upcoming new ONLINE travel authorization waiver that will affect all short-term travelers to the EU by mid-2025. Requests for Waivers will be handled via an online system by the traveler with a processing fee (EUR 7).
You will need an ETIAS waiver/authorization to travel to an ETIAS Member Country. The ETIAS is for citizens of countries outside the EU that don’t require a “visa” for short visits BUT who will need this TRAVEL WAIVER AUTHORIZATION – ETIAS. For example, travelers from the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom will all need an ETIAS before authorization entering Schengen countries.
Please work with your travel agent and stay up to date with the EU official website and ETIAS tracking services. If the system becomes operational and affects your travel, you will need to take care of this potential requirement in order to enter the EU and travel between ETIAS countries.
The online Application template for ETIAS is posted on the EU website and while not operational at the time of this letter, various required questions are outlined. They state that it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The Application fee is EUR 7 collected online (debit or credit card). Authorizations should be immediate or within 96 hours pending any issues. ETIAS will send back a travel authorization tracking number that is linked to your passport. Once approved the ETIAS will be good for 3 years or until your passport expires if sooner. If you are expecting to apply for a new passport please do so as soon as possible.
Official website for the European Union
New Requirements for Travel to Europe
Processing the ETIAS application
CIBTvisas is a private global company that is authorized to process visa applications and expedite passports at consulate and passport agencies for a fee. This might be a helpful option to explore.
2025 TSC - Barcelona - Confirmed Plenary Speakers
Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Jiimo Borjigin, Thomas Brophy, William Brown, Deepak Chopra, Ross Coulthart, Avshalom Elitzur, Federico Faggin, Ivette Fuentes, Anita Goel, Alex Gomez-Martin, Pär Halje, Stuart Hameroff, Nassim Haramein, Don Hoffman, Santosh Helekar, Sabine Kastner, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Philip Kurian, Farhan Lakhany, Matthew Larkum, Dante Lauretta, Earl K. Miller, Sir Roger Penrose, Giulio Ruffini, Jay Sanguinetti, Rupert Sheldrake, Javier Sierra, Michael Wiest, Brannon Wheeler
2025 TSC Conference Sponsors – updating
Instituto de Neurociencia Avanzada de Barcelona (INAB) - The Festival of Consciousness -Sema Lab, Sanmei - Tiny Blue Dot Foundation - UA-AZ Astrobiology Center - UA-Center for Consciousness Studies
Executive Committee 2025:
Stuart Hameroff - Dante Lauretta - Jay Sanguinetti - Brian Lord - Thomas Brophy - Claudia Weiss - Xavi Ginesta - Abi Behar Montefiore
General Program Committee 2025:
Thomas Bever - Robert Lawrence Kuhn - Adrienne Vancura - Alain Morin - Erika Cook - Justin Riddle - David del Rosario - Gina Poe Zena Cinker - Harald Atmanspacher - Paavo Pylkkanen - Travis Craddock
Contact/Info: center@arizona.edu
Revised Graphic: Gaudi Brain - credit: Hugo Barbera
Graphic 1 : 'Gaudi's Brain' - credit: ChatGPT/Xavi Ginesta
Center for consciousness studies - CONTACT/Links
CCS Website
YouTube Channel - The Science of Consciousness Conferences & programs
Facebook CCS-TSC
Join TSC E-list
telephone: 520-247-5785
Center email: center@arizona.edu
Abi Behar Montefiore, Asst. Dir.; Sr. Prgm. Mgr.
Stuart Hameroff, Director - hameroff.arizona.edu
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recent media

This Doctor Says He Knows How the Brain Creates Consciousness. New Evidence Suggests He’s On to Something.
Stuart Hameroff has faced three decades of criticism for his quantum consciousness theory, but new studies show the idea may not be as fringe as once believed.
By Darren Orf Published: Dec 18, 2024 5:13 PM EST
News Save the date: Tucson 2026
The Science of Consciousness | April 6-11, 2026
center@arizona.edu Abstracts: Fall, 2025
Join TSC E-list / CCS-TSC Website / YouTube Channel - Archives | CCS-TSC
Community News - SUMMER 2025 - Rome, Italy
Faith, Science, Mysticism - Rome ITALY
June 17-20 2025
Faith and Science Conference
Enhanced by Art, Music and Interfaith Mysticism
Rome, Italy, Tuesday-Friday, June 17-20, 2025, The Jubilee Year
Conference Theme: A Journey into God’s Mystical Love - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra, Via Paolo VI n. 29 (Piazza S. Pietro) Roma – Italia
S. Hameroff, MD "Consciousness and Free Will" - Dr. Hameroff Is professor and director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. With Oxford Nobel Laureate, Sir Roger Penrose, he has proposed consciousness depends on quantum processes in microtubules, protein polymers inside brain neurons, connected to fluctuations in the fine scale structure of the universe. Hameroff has speculated consciousness precedes and persists after life, entangled in spacetime geometry.
ASTROBIOLOGY and Consciousness Research

OSIRIS-REx, 1 year later: Asteroid sample continues to provide clues about early solar system and origins of life on Earth
U of A Regents Professor Dante Lauretta says he is "amazed by the discoveries we've made" since the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft delivered an asteroid sample to Earth last year. Read more
Prof. Lauretta is co-chair, Center for Consciousness Studies and AABC Director
$1M gift will advance consciousness research at U of A Astrobiology Center
The Arizona Astrobiology Center received a $1 million gift from Eugene Jhong, a retired Google software developer, to support research on the origins of life and consciousness. Read more

NEW - Articles, Meetings

A microscope image of a dark Bennu particle, about a millimeter long, with a crust of bright phosphate. To the right is a smaller fragment that broke off.
From Lauretta & Connolly et al. (2024) Meteoritics & Planetary Science
Bennu holds the solar system's 'original ingredients,' might have been part of a wet world - Mikayla Mace Kelley, UA News, June 26, 2024
OSIRIS-REx sample scientists took a deep dive into the rocks and dust returned from asteroid Bennu. They found that the sample is rich in carbon, nitrogen and organic compounds – essential components for life as we know it.
"Finally having the opportunity to delve into the OSIRIS-REx sample from Bennu after all these years is incredibly exciting," said Dante Lauretta, principal investigator for OSIRIS-REx and Regents Professor of planetary sciences in the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. "This breakthrough not only answers longstanding questions about the early solar system but also opens new avenues of inquiry into the formation of Earth as a habitable planet. The insights outlined in our overview paper have sparked further curiosity, driving our eagerness to explore deeper." More
Dante Lauretta - Keynote Speaker - The Science of Consciousness 2024
California Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, IMICS are currently participating in the Consciousness & Reality (C&R) colloquium series - YouTube sessions with: Stuart Hameroff, Anesthetic action links consciousness to quantum vibrations
plus: Christof Koch, Steven Laureys, Fiona Macpherson, Michael Levin, Donald Hoffman, Lee Smolin, Bernardo Kastrup, Jim Tucker, Anil Seth, Liad Mudrik, Sean Carroll

Tim Ventura, Oct 22, 2024
Dr. Stuart Hameroff discusses microtubules, biological quantum processing, ORCH OR theory, quantum consciousness, and a new study that supports the quantum basis of consciousness in the brain. Dr. Stuart Hameroff, an anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona, author of the book “Ultimate Computing”, and lead organizer of the biannual Science of Consciousness conference. Dr. Hameroff is known for his role as the co-founder of the Orchestrated objective reduction model of consciousness, which he developed in conjunction with physicist Sir Roger Penrose in the early 1990’s.
LINKS & RESOURCES: Stuart Hameroff Website (University of Arizona) https://hameroff.arizona.edu/
Study Supports Quantum Basis of Consciousness in the Brain https://neurosciencenews.com/quantum-...
Microtubule-Stabilizer Epothilone B Delays Anesthetic-Induced Unconsciousness in Rats https://www.eneuro.org/content/11/8/E...
Wellesley team’s new research on anesthesia unlocks important clues about the nature of consciousness https://www.wellesley.edu/news/welles...
Ultimate Computing https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Compu...
Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness https://www.amazon.com/Shadows-Mind-M...

Tiny Blue Dot Foundation Request for Proposals Oct 2024-closed
Past TSC Programs
2024 THE SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS April 22-27, 2024 - 30th Annual - Tucson
Plenary & Workshop Videos
2024 The Science of Consciousness – Plenary, Keynote, Workshops PL1-PL14, WK1, WK2, Symposium - See the TSC YouTube Channel
2024 TSC PLAYLIST YouTube - Conference Sessions
2024 TSC Archived Historical - Promos and Interviews
2024 TSC Remote Presenters
Interviews Tucson 2024:
CONSCIOUSNESS CENTRAL - Hosted by NICK DAY 2024 Interviews
Program 1 - Stuart Hameroff • Paavo Pylkkanen • Harald Atmanspacher • Jason Padgett
Program 2 - Donald Hoffman • Claudia Passos • Elizabeth Krasnodar • HIDE SAEGUSA
Program 3 - Susan Schneider • Thomas Brophy • Master Sha and his collaborators, quantum physicist Ruilin Xiu and physicians Peter Hudober and Consuelo Fernandez Finally Scott Olsen talks about the convergence of indigenous shamanic art with Western psychedelic imagery.
Program 4 - Jonathan Schooler & Tam Hunt • Susan Blackmore & Emily Troscianko • POSTER SESSION • Stuart Hameroff • DAN DENNETT (2004) • POETRY SLAM & END OF CONSCIOUSNESS PARTY
Program 5 - QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS SPECIAL: Stuart Hameroff • Anirban Bandyopadhyay • Santos Helekar
Center for consciousness studies - CONTACT/Links
CCS Website
YouTube Channel - The Science of Consciousness Conferences & programs
Facebook CCS-TSC
Join TSC E-list
telephone: 520-247-5785
Center email: center@arizona.edu
Abi Behar Montefiore, Asst. Dir.; Sr. Prgm. Mgr.
Stuart Hameroff, Director - hameroff.arizona.edu

September 21-22, 2024 HowTheLightGetsIn-London,
Quantum collapse holds the key to consciousness - How consciousness is a quantum symphony IAI TV - Stuart Hameroff argues that by studying anesthesia we are able to understand what goes away in the brain when the light of consciousness is .....
Sat Sept 21 4:00 - 5:00 pm BST Debates - Quantum and the Unknowable Universe philosopher Slavoj Žižek, theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder, and Nobel Prize winner Roger Penrose debate whether quantum mechanics has made the universe fundamentally unknowable.
Sat Sept 21 5:30-6:30 pm BST - The Divided Self - Joining live from the US via video link, neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris and Nobel Prize winner Roger Penrose discuss whether the self is divided.
August 2024, Consciousness Pre-dates
Consciousness came before life
The fundamental cause of evolution.
Hameroff, S. (2024, May 08). Consciousness came before life. IAI News. /articles/life-and-consciousness-what-are-they-auid-2836
Most scientists and philosophers believe that life came before consciousness. Life appeared on Earth about 3.8 billion years ago; consciousness and feelings, it’s said, evolved later due to complex biological information processing, perhaps only recently in brains with language and tool-making abilities. In fact, though, there’s good reason to think that consciousness preceded life, and was central to making life and evolution possible. More
‘Darwin vs Consciousness’ alongside biologist Denis Noble and philosopher Antonella Tramacere, Stuart Hameroff debate at HowTheLightGetsIn Festival, May 24th-27th - 25 May 2024 Hay-on-Wye Stuart's X
Consciousness Pre-Dates Life
Many scientists, operating with a materialist worldview, argue that consciousness emerges out of inanimate molecules. In contrast, Roger Penrose's longtime collaborator, Stuart Hameroff, puts forward the controversial case that consciousness precedes life and that we have evidence for this from a recent NASA experiment.
"Hameroff's theories are getting support from unlikely places." ‑ Discover Magazine

TSC Conference 2024
The Science of Consciousness - Tucson 30th
Plenary & Workshop Videos 2024

PLENARY #1 DETECTING CONSCIOUSNESS -Steven Laureys, Claudia Passos, Gina Poe
PLENARY #3 - TSC - ‘CONSCIOUSNESS AND REALITY' - Donald Hoffman, Deepak Chopra, Paavo Pylkkanen
PLENARY #4 TSC - CORTICAL OSCILLATIONS, WAVES & CONSCIOUSNESS 2 - Andre Bastos, Pulin Gong, Dimitris Pinotsis
PLENARY #7 MECHANISMS OF CONSCIOUSNESS Aaron Schurger, Pieter-Jan Maes, Jerome Busemeyer
Caleb Scharf, Phillipe Schmitt-Kopplin, Stuart Hameroff
PLENARY #12 -TSC-THE SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: 30 YEARS ON - Stuart Hameroff, David Chalmers, Christof Koch, Susan Blackmore, Paavo Pylkkanen, Jonathan Schooler, Chair
Zirui Huang, Santosh Helekar, Sir Roger Penrose
Alysson Muotri, Hartmut Neven
WORKSHOP #1 - TSC - QUANTUM BIOLOGY -Paige Derr, Chair; Stuart Hameroff, Travis Craddock, Albert Siryaporn, Nirosha Murugan, Manisha Patel, Philip Kurian
SYMPOSIUM - TSC - INTEGRATED INFORMATION THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Paavo Pylkkanen, Christof Koch, Giulio Tononi, Melanie Boly, Matteo Grasso
Plenary, Keynote, Workshops, Symposium
Historical Clips and Consciousness Central Interviews
The Times Higher, April 5, 1996
Special Edition
Toward a New Science of the Mind:
Tucson 1996 consciousness

2003 Compilation Consciousness

Tucson Lifestyle -2024 Picturing Consciousness, S. Barker

New Scientist 2024 - Can quantum hints in the brain revive a radical consciousness theory? G. Musser

Reviews 2024 - Andrés Gómez Emilsson / Consciousness Qualia

Remote Presenters
TSC2024 BIOS - Keynote Plenary Experiential.pdf
TSC2024 - Authors-Affiliations.docx
PROGRAM - Web version TSC 2024
It was thirty years ago today...
The Science of Consciousness 2024
WORKSHOPS - MONDAY - April 22, 2024
8:30 am to 12:30 pm (Kiva, Catalina KL, Catalina J, Exec. Board Room, Santa Rita, Sabino)
QUANTUM BIOLOGY - Chair, Paige Derr (NIH/NCATS); Stuart Hameroff (U Arizona) Travis Craddock (NSU) Remote; Albert Siryaporn (UCI); Nirosha Murugan (Remote) , Manisha Patel, (UCSB), Philip Kurian (Howard U) Remote (Kiva)
INDIAN KNOWLEDGE, HEALTH AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS (“IKSHMA”) Chair: Martin Fleming (SPi) Remote from India: Co-Chair: Kunal Mooley (CalTech, IIT Mandi, IIT Kanpur; IMICS); Laxmidhar Behera (IIT Mandi), Rama Jayasundar (AIIMS Delhi). In person Tucson: Martin Fleming (SPi), Donald Hoffman (UC Irvine); Christopher Lord (Charles U-Prague); Venugopal Damerla (U Texas), Guruprasad Raghavan (Yurts AI) (Catalina J)
Dual Aspect Monism - Michael Silberstein (Elizabethtown College); William Seager, (U Toronto); Harald Atmanspacher (Collegium Helveticum-ETH Zurich) - Jeffrey Kripal (Rice U) (Catalina KL)
Dreamless Sleep - JF Pagel (U Colorado); Jerome Alonso (U Calgary); Antonio Zadra, (U Montreal); Gina Poe (UCLA) (Exec. board room)
12:30-2:00 break
2:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Monday Workshops, Continued
Neurophysiology of Loss & Recovery of Consciousness - M. Bruce MacIver (Stanford U); Kathleen Vincent (Harvard U); Anthony Hudetz (U Michigan); Hyunwoo Jang (U Michigan) (Kiva)
Terminal Lucidity - Chair: Marjorie Woollacott (U Oregon); Michael Nahm, (IFAP Freiburg); Natasha Tassell-Matamua (Massey U, NZ); Chris Roe (U Northampton); Maryne Mutis, U de Lorraine, Fr); Karalee Kothe, (U Colorado) (Catalina J)
Meditation & Global Spiritual Practices - Thomas Brophy, (CIHS/IONS); Deepak Chopra, (Chopra Global) Jeffery Martin (CIHS); Helané Wahbeh (IONS); Garret Yount (IONS) Hidehiko Saegusa (IIT Mandi, U AZ, CIHS, AABC); Arnaud Delorme (IONS); Timothy Laporte (CIHS); Sean Esbjörn-Hargens (CIHS); Sohail Shakeri (CIHS); Remote: Dean Radin (IONS) (Catalina KL)
Education in Consciousness Studies - Laurel Waterman (U Toronto); Joan Walton (St. John U-York); Thomas Bever (U Arizona); Justin Riddle (FSU), Sue Blackmore (U Plymouth); Emily Troscianko (U Oxford) (Exec. board room)
SYMPOSIUM-MONDAY EVENING April 22, 2024 - 7:00-10:00 pm - Refreshments
Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness - Symposium - Christof Koch (Allen Institute, Tiny Blue Dot Foundation, Seattle); Giulio Tononi, Melanie Boly & Matteo Grasso (U Wisconsin); Moderated by Paavo Pylkkänen (U Helsinki & U Skövde) (Kiva)
TSC 2024 Tucson - Conference Sessions by Day
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
7:30 - 8:15 am - Meditation Wellness Kickoff - Deepak Chopra - Kiva Plaza - Refreshments
Conference Opening
PLENARY SESSIONS (Livestreamed) - Kiva
8:30 am - 10:40 am - Plenary 1 'Detecting Consciousness' - STEVEN LAUREYS, CLAUDIA PASSOS, GINA POE
11:10 am - 12:30 pm - Plenary 2 'Cortical Oscillations, Waves and Consciousness 1' - EARL K. MILLER, Keynote - remote
12:30-2:00 break
2:00 pm - 4:10 pm - Plenary 3 ‘Consciousness and Reality' - DONALD HOFFMAN, DEEPAK CHOPRA, PAAVO PYLKKÄNEN
4:10-5:00 BREAK
Tuesday 4/23 C 1 - C 10 Concurrents
C-1 IMPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Ken Mogi, Jonathan Erickson, Bill Mensch, Rizwan Virk, Maria Howard, JF Pagel (Chair)(Catalina J)
C-2 PARAPSYCHOLOGY & NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES - Fr. Nathan Castle, O.P., Marina Weiler, Terri Gilbert, Birgitta Therner, Nicole Johnson (Grand Ballroom SALON D)
C-3 EXPERIENTIAL APPROACHES TO CONSCIOUSNESS - Roger Russell, Igor Nazarov, Raul Valverde, Carlton 'Perk' Clark, Timothy Laporte, Rubin Naiman (Chair) (Santa Rita)
C-4 PHILOSOPHY OF MIND - Scott Ventureya, Scott Olsen, Jonathan Shear (Chair), Gustavo Rocha, John Strozier, Patrick Schotanus (SALON E)
C-5 REPRESENTATION AND ACCESS MODELS OF MIND - Roger C. Schriner, Susan Blackmore (Chair), Frank Heile, Matthew Williams, Roger Young, Rakenduvadhana Srinivasan (SALON F)
C-6 GEOMETRY OF MIND - Mark Bailey/Susan Schneider, Andres Gomez-Emilsson, Elena Bezzubova, Uziel Awret (Chair), Jason Padgett (Executive Board Room)
C-7 QUANTIFYING COGNITIVE STATES IN NEURAL DATA - Logan Trujillo (Chair), Dimitri Van De Ville, William Bosl, Kira Dolhan, Sandeep Gupta (Sabino)
C-8 STUDYING SPIRITUALITY IN NEUROSCIENCE AND THERAPY - Stephen Zerfas, Marco Ruggiero (Chair), Master Zhi Gang Sha/Rulin Xiu, Olivia Giguere/Matthew Hicks, Kirit Goyal (SALON G)
C-9 NEUROSCIENCE OF ALTERED STATES - Nicolas Glynos, Clayton Coleman, Nicholas Denomme (Chair), Gratiana Chen, Jeff Haller (SALON H)
C-10 QUANTIFYING ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Robert Tromm, Marjorie Woollacott (Chair), Jessica Corneille, Sebastian Ehmann, Mona Letourneau (SALON I)
6:30-9:00 pm Welcome Reception - Cascade Terrace
Wednesday April 24, 2024
8:30 am -10:40 am - Plenary 4 'Cortical Oscillations, Waves & Consciousness 2' - André BASTOS, PULIN GONG, DIMITRIS PINOTSIS
11:10 am - 12:30 pm - Plenary 5 'The Global Brain' - SUSAN SCHNEIDER, Keynote
12:30-2:00 break*
*12:30-1:30 pm - Exhibitors & Demos
Arizona Astrobiology Center - ANT-NEURO, Inc. - AAPS - Academy for Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences - COSMOintel - Journal of Consciousness Studies - Megahertz Brain Waves - PICER Institute - Radio Rumi Synaptic.care - Tao Academy - Timaeus Academy - Cusac.org - Fr. Nathan Castle - Ultrabandwidth Praxis
afternoon plenary - wednesday
Wednesday 4/24 C-11 - C-20
5:00-7:00 pm Concurrent SeSSIONS & CHAIRS - WED 4/24 C-11 -C-20 20 min talks: 5 min Q&A - Breakout Rooms: Grand Ballroom Salons D,E,F, G,H,I, Catalina J, Catalina KL, Exec. Board Room, Santa Rita, Sabino
C-11 ANOMALOUS COGNITION - Helané Wahbeh (Chair), James Lake, Christine Simmonds-Moore, Arnaud Delorme, Milena Braticevic (SALON D)
C-12 CONSCIOUSNESS AND MENTAL HEALTH - Carsten Korth, Ingrid Fredriksson, Darja Kobal Grum, Jürgen Kornmeier (Chair), Criscillia Benford, Nina Carrubba (EXEC. BOARD ROOM)
C-13 QUANTUM COM/PUTATION - James Tagg (Chair), Akihiro Nishiyama, Mauricio Garrido/Vasyl Semenov, Roumiana Tsenkova, Mithun Paul, Rachid Lopez (SANTA RITA)
C-14 INTEGRATED INFORMATION THEORY - Brian Archibald, Kelvin McQueen, Garrett Mindt, Isaac David, Matteo Grasso (Chair) (SALON G)
C-15 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - William Robinson, Tam Hunt (Chair), Karina Vold, Aida Elamrani, Vickram Premakumar, Jay Myers (SALON H)
C-16 TIME AND COGNITION - Laura Deutsch, Abdellatif Abujudeh, Joel Bennett (Chair), James Corrigan, Olivia Seidel (SALON I)
C-17 SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING CONSCIOUSNESS -Stephen Deiss, (Chair), Richard Morley, Steven Wingate, Seymen Atasoy, Staci Newmahr (SALON F)
C-18 PHYSICS OF MIND - Florian Metzler, Gregory Horne, Amal Alachkar, William R Softky (Chair), Nir Lahav, Alon Retter, Xiaolin Ge (SABINO)
C-19 NOVEL MODELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Donald Mender, Meijuan Lu, Christopher Tyler, Sean Clayton, Meir Weinstein, Deborah Kala Perkins (SANTA RITA)
C-20 PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE UNCONSCIOUS - Jenny Vanbergen, Teresa Nowak, Garrett Yount, Rocco Gennaro (Chair) Asher Soryl (SALON E)
WEDNESDAY 4/24 7:00-9:00 pm - Reception, Cash Bar - (Catalina KL)
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM - ART TECH DEMOS, EXHIBITS, POSTERS - (Grand Ballroom Lobby; GB- B)
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM - POSTER SESSION 1 - WED
1.0 - Philosophy - William J. Cox, Richard Gill, U.B. Lozano, Steve Kercel/Mona Letourneau, George Goutos, Ramanujam Prakash, JEFF SUGAR
2.0 - Neuroscience - Kewei Chen, Ryo Sato, Pavel Kraikivski, Soosan Beheshti
3.0 - Cognitive Science & Psychology - Antonio Zadra, Jin Ma, David Stone, Bruce Nappi, Malcolm Lett, Deni Van, Michael Kutch, Ruslana Remennikova/Bernard Beitman, Karalee Kothe
4.0 - Physical & Biological Sciences - Richard Harrington, Peter Lugten, Steen Loeth, Steve Finette, Seungju Ahn, Georges Karma, Deanna Minich, James Beran, William Softky/Criscillia Benford
5.0 - Experiential Approaches - Joel Bennett, James Driessen, Palash Goyal, Carl Flygt, Karalee Kothe
6.0 - Culture & Humanities - Olga Colbert, Kevin Goodrich, Joan Walton, Laurel Waterman, Marianne Nell
Thursday, April 25, 2024
7:15-8:15 am - Experiential Clinics
8:30 am -10:40 am - Plenary 7 'Mechanisms of Consciousness' - AARON SCHURGER, PIETER-JAN MAES, JEROME BUSEMEYER
11:10 am - 12:30 pm- Plenary 8 'DoDecoGraphy ('DDG') – 12 Orders of Frequency Oscillations in EEG' - ANIRBAN BANDYOPADHYAY, Keynote
*12:30-2:00 break
*12:30-1:30 Exhibits & Demos GB Lobby
afternoon plenary - thursday
2:00 pm - 4:10 pm - Plenary 9 ‘Astrobiology and Astroconsciousness’ - CALEB SCHARF, PHILLIPE SCHMITT-KOPPLIN, STUART HAMEROFF - KIVA
Free time
6:30-9:00 PM - Optional Dinner - Ventana Terrace
FRIDAY April 26, 2024
7:15-8:15 am Early MORNING - Experiential Clinics
Soul Sickness & Healing Techniques - Master Zhi Gang Sha, Peter Hudoba, Rulin Xiu - Catalina KL
Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement® lessons. Roger Russell, Jeff Haller -Ventana 2nd Fl.
TennisCentric - Mark Valladares - Loews Tennis Courts
Rumi Healing Meditation -Sohail Shakeri - Catalina J
Finding and Clearing the Emotional Roots of your Suffering - Douglas Tataryn - Santa Rita
Friday, April 26, 2024
8:30 am -10:40 am - Plenary 10 'Dual Aspect Monism' - HARALD ATMANSPACHER, BILL SEAGER, DEAN RICKLES
11:10 am - 12:30 pm - Plenary 11 'Molecules of Life & Consciousness from the Asteroid Bennu’ - DANTE LAURETTA, Keynote
*12:30-2:00 break
2:00 pm - 4:10 pm - Plenary 12 'The Science of Consciousness - 30 Years On' - Panel: DAVID CHALMERS, SUSAN BLACKMORE, CHRISTOF KOCH, STUART HAMEROFF, PAAVO PYLKKÄNEN, Giulio Tononi
*12:30-1:30 pm Exhibitor & Demos
Arizona Astrobiology Center - ANT-NEURO, Inc. - AAPS - Academy for Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences - COSMOintel - Journal of Consciousness Studies - Megahertz Brain Waves - PICER Institute - Radio Rumi - Synaptic.care - Tao Academy Timaeus Academy - Cusac.org - Fr. Nathan Castle - Ultrabandwidth
“The Artwork of Ayahuasquero, Pablo Amaringo” - GB Lobby
“Sound Medicine® – Binaural Beats “ - Rincon
Altered States...- Coronado
afternoon plenary - friday
2:00 pm - 4:10 pm - Plenary 12 'The Science of Consciousness - 30 Years On' - Panel: DAVID CHALMERS, SUSAN BLACKMORE, CHRISTOF KOCH, STUART HAMEROFF, PAAVO PYLKKÄNEN, Giulio Tononi
Friday CONCURRENT Sessions 4/26 C-21-C-30
5:00-7:00 pm - ConcurrentS - FRIDAY - C-21-C-30 20 min talks: 5 min Q&A - Breakout Rooms: Grand Ballroom Salons D,E,F, G,H,I, - Catalina J, Catalina KL, Exec. Board Room, Santa Rita, Sabino
C-21 QUANTUM THEORIES OF MIND - Phillise Todd, Peter Lloyd, Thomas Brophy (Chair), Anatoly Goldstein, Ivan Kuznetsov, Natalia Cortes (CATALINA J)
C-22 MULTISCALAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - Asa Young, Bruce MacIver, Ryo Sato, Anthony Hudetz (Chair), Hide Saegusa (SALON D)
C-23 PERCEPTION AND ATTENTIONAL CONTROL - Michael Silver, Cedric Cannard, Satya Pradhan, Nick Day (Chair), Sascha Seifert, Rahul Jain, Jeffery Martin (SALON E)
C-24 CAUSALITY AND FREEWILL -Mihretu Guta, Edward Neafsey, Brian Key, Alain Morin, Lynn Rasmussen, John Sanfey (Chair) (SALON F)
C-25 PHENOMENOLOGY OF MIND - Lukasz Kurowski, Jenny Simon (Chair), Abre Fournier, Soosan Beheshti, Makayla Vermette, Famira Racy (SALON G)
C-26 PANPSYCHISM AND GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS - Scott Ventureyra, Anand Rangarajan, John Starrett, Todd Bureau (Chair) Ulf Holmberg (SALON H)
C-27 NEUROSTIMULATION TO UNDERSTAND THE MIND - Sanjay Manchanda, Milan Pantovic, Brian Lord, Jay Sanguinetti, (Chair) (SABINO)
C-28 MEDITATION PRACTICE TO UNDERSTAND THE MIND - Paul Dallaghan, Peter Hudoba/Master Sha, DoroteWeyers-Lucci, Lavanya Rajesh Kumar, Sky Nelson (Chair) (SANTA RITA)
C-30 ALTERNATIVE MOLECULAR MODELS OF MIND - Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Noushin Nabavi, Afshin Lorestani, Charles Ernst, Rajnish Khanna (Chair) (EXEC BOARD ROOM)
7:00-9:00 pm - Reception, Cash Bar - Catalina KL
7:00 - 10:00 PM - FRIDAY - ART TECH DEMOS, EXHIBITS - Grand Ballroom Lobby & GB B
POSTER SESSION 2 - FRI - Grand Ballroom B
1.0 - Philosophy - Elena Drăghici-Vasilescu, Rajnish Khanna, Aaron Schmidt, Richard Blum, Enrique Chiu Han, Hiroki Yamada, Ann Berger-Knorr, Chris Percy, Frank Warzik, Mukesh Chauhan, Rodrigo Marchioli
2.0 - Neuroscience - Vipin Gupta, Scott Koshland, Anderson Rodriguez, Ludmila Vucolova
3.0 - Cognitive Science and Psychology - James Rutherford, Cedric Cannard
4.0 - Physical & Biological Sciences - Mark Rindner, Anatoly Goldstein, Surendra Pokharna, David Smolker, Anderson Rodriguez, Antonius Laurijssen, Seungju Ahn
5.0 - Experiential Approaches - Sandro Guerra, Charles Davis, Barbara With, Dwight Holbrook, Christine Simmonds-Moore
6.0 - Culture & Humanities - Steven Ferrara, Scott Lacy, Harland Harrison, Benjamin White
10 pm - xxx - FRIDAY Poetry Slam - Zombie Blues - No-End of Consciousness Party - Kiva. refreshments/cash bar
Saturday April 27, 2024
7:15-8:15 am Early MORNING - Experiential Clinics
9:00 am - 10:30 am - Plenary 13 'Dimensions, Wavefunctions & Symmetry in the Brain' - ZIRUI HUANG, SANTOSH HELEKAR, SIR ROGER PENROSE
11:00 am - 12:30 pm - Plenary 14 'Searching for Consciousness & Entanglement in Cerebral Organoids' ALYSSON MUOTRI, HARMUT NEVEN
SPONSORS TSC 2024 - Thank you.
Arizona Astrobiology Center - Alvin J. Clark Foundation - Anonymous
Tiny Blue Dot Foundation - University of Michigan - Google Quantum AI
Society for Mind-Matter Research - Sanmai Technologies

EVENTBRITE - TSC 2024 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - Badges required - STANDARD $550 STUDENT $450 - Thur Dinner $95 -sold out (N/A) REMOTE $250 - Live streaming: 3 workshops and 14 plenary
LOEWS - VENTANA CANYON RESORT - GROUP Block - $169 Per Night - Group: The Science of Consciousness (The Resort Fee ($34) Is WAIVED) Conference Registration is needed to secure group rate. Hotel Address: 7000 N. Resort Dr. Tucson AZ - Group Code: TSC330 - Group Rate EXTENSION based on availability. Group Rates Between: April 17 - May 1, 2024
Arizona Astrobiology Center ANT-NEURO North America, Inc.
AAPS - Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences COSMOintel
Megahertz Brain Waves Journal of Consciousness Studies Tao Academy - Master Dr. Sha
Timaeus Academy Synaptic.care Ultrabandwidth Praxis Cusac.org Radio Rumi
PICER Institute Psycheprimus Institute for Cognitum Engineering Research Ltd.
Fr. Nathan Castle - Gems4Life - Book Signings
New Releases - Display copies, signings - Additional Demos Lunch Time and at both Poster Sessions (Wed and Fri evenings)
Experiential Sessions - early mornings
Tuesday 4/23-7:15-8:00am - Meditation Wellness - Kiva Plaza - Deepak Chopra
Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat 7:15-8:15 am
TennisCentric - Mark Valladares -Tennis Courts (Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat) 7:15-8:15am
Global Spiritual Meditation -Hidehiko Saegusa - Catalina KL - Thur 4/25 - 7:15-8:15am
Healing Meditation - Sohail Shakeri - Wed, Thurs, Fri - 4/ 24, 25, 26 - 7:15-8:15am - (Catalina J)
Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement® lessons - Roger Russell, Jeff Haller - Wed, Thur, Fri 4/24, 25, 26 - 7:15 - 8:15am - (Ventana 2nd fl.)
Soul Sickness & Healing Techniques Master - Master Zhi Gang Sha, Peter Hudoba, Rulin Xiu - 7:15-8:15am - Locations: Wed 4/24 (Catalina KL) - Thur 4/25 (Exec Bd Rm) - Fri 4/26 (Catalina KL) - Sat 4/27 (Catalina J)
Finding and Clearing the Emotional Roots of your Suffering - Douglas Tataryn - Santa Rita Wed, Thurs, Fri - Apr 24,25 26
Van Z'xhibit, Michael Kutch - outdoors daily - GB Lobby
Additional Thanks
TSC Sponsors - Plenary/Keynote - Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Conference Team - Commotion Studios - UA BioMed - Exhibitors, Experiential Facilitators - Concurrent Speakers - Workshop Speakers, Poster Presenters - All Volunteers - AZ Cine - UA SBS - Herod Travel - Additional co-organizers: Thomas Brophy, IONS/CIHS; Justin Riddle, FSU; Hidehiko Saegusa, IIT Mandi, CIHS, UArizona,AABC U Michigan, George Mashour, Stuart Hameroff, Dante Lauretta, Abi Montefiore
2024 TUCSON - 30th Annual
(‘TSC’), April 22-27, 2024 at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in the hills above Tucson, Arizona. The conference is hosted and sponsored by the University of Arizona, Center for Consciousness Studies and co-sponsored by the University of Michigan, Center for Consciousness Science.
Conferences | since 1994
The Science of Consciousness (TSC) conferences are the pre-eminent world gatherings on all approaches to the profound and fundamental question of how the brain produces conscious experience, a question which addresses who we are, the nature of reality and our place in the universe. TSC conferences have been held in Tucson since 1994, (every 2 years) and are recognized around the world. TSC International held its first conference in 1995 and continues in alternate years.
2024 Themes: Cortical Oscillations and Traveling Waves; Psychedelics, Psychoplastogens; Astrobiology, Astroconsciousness; Dual Aspect Monism; Megahertz EEG and DoDecoGraphy (DDG); Theories of Consciousness; Consciousness and Reality; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Consciousness Detecting Consciousness; Microtubule Time Crystals; Searching for Consciousness and Entanglement in Cerebral Organoids; Brain Dimensions, Wavefunctions and Symmetry
Conference Activities and Social Events TSC 2024
TSC 2024 will include plenary sessions, in-depth workshops, concurrent presentations, poster sessions, book and technology exhibits, health and wellness exhibitors. Free time for swimming, hiking, and other resort activities. Sabino Canyon is approx. 3 miles from the Resort. Welcome Reception (Tues); Dinner (Thurs optional-tickets required); Poetry Slam (Fri)
The Science of Consciousness Conferences | since 1994
The Science of Consciousness (TSC) conferences are the pre-eminent world gatherings on all approaches to the profound and fundamental question of how the brain produces conscious experience, a question which addresses who we are, the nature of reality and our place in the universe.
TSC conferences have been held in Tucson since 1994, (every 2 years) and are recognized around the world. TSC International held its first conference in 1995 and continues in alternate years.
BIOS 2024

Stuart Hameroff Co-Founder, Director, Center for Consciousness Studies; Co-Chair, The Science of Consciousness; Professor Emeritus, Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology, U of Arizona, Stuart Hameroff MD is a clinical anesthesiologist and researcher on how the brain produces consciousness, and how anesthetics act to erase it. In medical school in the early 1970s, Hameroff became interested in consciousness, and in protein structures called microtubules inside brain neurons which he came to believe processed information supporting consciousness. In the mid- 1990s he teamed with Sir Roger Penrose to develop the controversial ‘Orch OR’ theory in which consciousness derives from “orchestrated” (“Orch”) microtubule quantum vibrations linked to processes in spacetime geometry, the fine scale structure of the universe, leading to “Penrose objective reduction” (“OR”, hence “Orch OR”). And he has further proposed the ‘microtubule quantum vibration’ theory of anesthetic action. Hameroff organizes the well-known conference series ‘The Science of Consciousness’, has written or edited 5 books and over a hundred scientific articles, and appeared in films and various TV shows about consciousness. With University of Arizona colleagues Jay Sanguinetti, John JB Allen and Shinzen Young, Hameroff is developing transcranial ultrasound (‘TUS’) for treatment of mental and cognitive dysfunction (TUS may resonate endogenous megahertz vibrations in brain microtubules). Penrose- Hameroff Orch OR is one of a group of major theories of consciousness in the Templeton World Charity Foundation project ‘Accelerating Research on Consciousness’ and is currently being tested experimentally. (Jan 2024 New Scientist Feature Cover on Quantum Consciousness, G. Musser) (Plen 12)

George A. Mashour is an anesthesiologist and NIH-funded neuroscientist at the University of Michigan Medical School, where he serves as the Robert B. Sweet Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology. He founded and currently directs the Michigan Psychedelic Center, which is multidisciplinary and spans the University of Michigan. (Plen 6)

Conference Activities and Social Events TSC 2024
TSC 2024 our 30th Annual will include plenary sessions, in-depth workshops, concurrent presentations, poster sessions, book and technology exhibits, health & wellness exhibitors, tenniscentric. Free time for swimming, hiking, and other resort activities. Sabino Canyon is approx 3 miles from the Resort.
2024 Links
ABSTRACTS - closed
REGISTRATION - Conference (Eventbrite)
Please be sure to secure your conference registration so we can coordinate with your hotel reservation. Early Conference Registration through Feb. 10
LOEWS Ventana Canyon Resort - Group Reservation Link
LOEWS Ventana Canyon Resort - Tucson $169 per night - Group Rate - The Deadline for this rate based on availability through March 29. Group Rates Cover Following Dates: April 17 through May 1, 2024 - Conference CODE: TSC330 Group Name: The Science of Consciousness. The Daily Resort Fee $34 is WAIVED for this group
Loews Ventana Canyon, 7000 N. Resort Drive, Tucson, 85750
Loews Corporate 1-877-879-9979

Loews Resort - See Video
New Renovations (Canyon Grill, Pool, Barrista)
2022 The Science of Consciousness - Tucson
Program Book & Abstracts TSC 2022 View
Guest Interviews - TSC 2022 - Conscious Pictures
20th Anniv and Assorted Videos
RetroMix of TSC Conferences
Consciousness Covid Online 2020
Penrose 2021 Nobel Prize - Intro Reel for TSC online program
Interview with Roger Penrose & Stuart Hameroff, ElsevierConnect, Feb 20, 2014
Elsevier Interview with Nobel prize candidate Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, Amsterdam, Feb 19, 2014
Join our E-list for Conference Updates
2023 - Neuroscience Needs a Revolution to Understand Consciousness - ENCINITAS
California - Summer Symposium August 18-20, 2023
(co-sponsors: CIHS & CCS)
PROGRAM - Document - AUG 16 Final Program.docx
ACCEPTED ABSTRACTS - Doc- AUG 16 Abstracts by Acceptance Type Aug 16 Final Report Encinitas.docx
AUTHORS-AFFILIATIONS INDEX - Document - AUG 16 Final Presenters + Affiliations Report Encinitas.docx
Abstract Submissions - Encinitas -closed Registration Eventbrite-closed
See YouTube “Playlists”
Center for Consciousness Studies YouTube Channel:
The Science of Consciousness Conferences and Special Programs: 2007-2023
The Tucson Conferences - Biennial
Since 1994, the biennial series "Toward a Science of Consciousness" conferences now "The Science of Consciousness" are a landmark of international, interdisciplinary events sponsored by the University of Arizona devoted entirely to unlocking the mysteries of consciousness. They have explored the whole spectrum of approaches from philosophy of mind and cognitive science, to neurobiology, pharmacology, and molecular dynamics, phenomenological accounts, and physics. The aim is tolay a sound scientific foundation for future research
The Science of Consciousness (TSC) conferences are the pre-eminent world gatherings on all approaches to the profound and fundamental question of how the brain produces conscious experience, a question which addresses who we are, the nature of reality and our place in the universe. TSC conferences have been held in Tucson since 1994, (every 2 years) and are recognized around the world. TSC International held its first conference in 1995 and continues in alternate years.
Videos TSC and CCS Programs-Archive
YouTube 1 The Science of Consciousness Conferences & Programs: 2010-2023
Channel 2: UofA Consciousness additional 2012
Stuart Hameroff MD, Anesth CCS Director - COM-UA website
Abi Behar Montefiore - asst dir, sr. program mgr
520-247-5785 text/messages center@arizona.edu
TSC 2018

June 7th, 2023
15:00 - University of Oxford
Talk with Stuart Hameroff MD
Mathematical Institute, Univ of Oxford Room L3 - Woodstock Rd. Oxford
Neuroscience needs a revolution

Stuart Hameroff MD - Professor, Anesthesiology and Psychology; Director, Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona, Tucson
Taormina TSC - Sicily
May 22-28, 2023
Palazzo dei Congressi
May 22-28, 2023 - TSC 2023 Taormina, Sicily, Italy
NEW: Taormina Italy Videos
Taormina Italy - TSC 2023 -May 22-28 - The Science of Consciousness YouTube Videos
PLENARY VIDEOS Taormina (31) - TSC 2023 Taormina YouTube - Videos Page
Sir Roger Penrose Taormina Plenary

Palazzo dei Congressi

The Science of Consciousness (TSC) conferences have been held annually since 1994, alternating yearly between Tucson, Arizona in even-numbered years, and other locations around the world in odd-numbered years. TSC locations have included Italy, Denmark, Japan, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Hong Kong, India, California, Switzerland, and Finland. The 29th annual TSC will return to Italy, to beautiful Taormina, on the island of Sicily, May 22-28, 2023, organized by Italian professors Riccardo Manzotti (IULM U), Antonio Chella (U Palermo) and Pietro Perconti (U Messina). TSC 2023 Taormina will be co-sponsored by the Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Stuart Hameroff, Director. The first overseas TSC Conference in 1995 was on the island of Ischia, near Naples, Italy, organized by Cloe Taddei-Ferretti. We are excited to be returning to Italy. Abstracts may be submitted for oral concurrent talks, or posters.
Workshops Keynote and Plenaries Concurrents Posters
Contact: Registration - Anna Lucentini - tsc2023@bisazzagangi.it
Contact at CCS - Abi Behar Montefiore - center@arizona.edu -www.consciousness.arizona.edu
* * * * *
2022 Tucson Hybrid -TSC Apr 18-22

Program Book & Abstracts TSC 2022 View | Download
Guest Interviews - TSC 2022 - Conscious Pictures
We held a 'hybrid' conference with both in-person, and remote online presentation and audience, live streamed. The live sessions and remote headquarters were held at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona
TSC 2022 - Plenary 1 - Sleep, Wakefulness & Anesthesia Giancarlo Vanini, Matthew Larkum, Alex Proekt
TSC 2022 - Plenary 2 - Keynote 1 - Brain & Consciousness Christof Koch
TSC 2022 - Plenary 3 - Brain Connectivity Jean-Remi King, Zirui Huang, Anirban Bandyopadhyay
TSC 2022 - Plenary 4 - Altered States of Consciousness Emma Huels, Charlotte Martial, Elizabeth Krasnoff
TSC 2022 - Plenary 5 - Keynote 2 - Psychedelics Robin Carhart-Harris
TSC2022 - Plenary 6 - Psychedelic Mechanisms George Mashour, Alex C. Kwan, Katrin Preller
TSC 2022 - Plenary 7 - Time & Consciousness Daniel Sheehan, Paul Davies, Sir Roger Penrose
TSC 2022 - Plen 8 Keynote 3 Avi Loeb
TSC 2022 - Plenary 9 - Origins of Life Dante Lauretta, Sara Walker, Steen Rasmussen
TSC 2022 - Plen 10 - Theories of Consciousness Biyu J. He, Yuri B. Saalmann, Lucia Melloni
TSC 2022 - Plenary 11 - Keynote 4 David Chalmers
TSC 2022 - Plenary 12 - Quantum Neuroscience Hartmut Neven, Aarat Kalra, Travis Craddock
Stuart Hameroff 2021 - Quantum biology and consciousness

Science and Roger Penrose -celebrating his 90th birthday and Nobel Prize in Physics (2020).
August 3-6, 2021
A 4-day online webinar with Sir Roger Penrose and guest speakers
About the Webinar & Background links
Videos (Day 1, 2, 3, 4) - YouTube
Speaker Bios & Abstracts
Program Schedule
Intro Reel - Celebration Trailer - highlights
Roger Penrose for the 4-day Symposium
hosted by the Center for Consciousness Studies - 2021
Covid Consciousness - Remote 2020
Sept 14-18, 2020
The Science of Consciousness Online Conference Sessions
TSC 2020 - TSC Tucson Online Program | Abstracts
Opening "Welcome" Reel for Tucson Online 2020
Retro Mix - TSC Over the Years...(Abi’s) 2020
Sessions, Abstracts:
https://eagle.sbs.arizona.edu/sc/abs_report_bysession.php?p=PL - Plenary
https://eagle.sbs.arizona.edu/sc/abs_report_bysession.php?p=C - Concurrents
https://eagle.sbs.arizona.edu/sc/abs_report_bysession.php?p=P - Posters
https://eagle.sbs.arizona.edu/sc/abs_report_bysession.php?p=A - Art | Tech
Interlaken Switzerland June 25-28, 2019
2019 - TSC - Interlaken Switzerland
TSC 2019 - Interlaken Program Abstracts
TSC 2019 - Consciousness Central - Interviews
2018 - The Science of Consciousness - Tucson

2018 Conference Themes:
Are We Living in a Matrix-like Simulation? - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Consciousness - Consciousness, Pain and Addiction - Gene Editing and Consciousness Binding, Integration and Synthesis of Consciousness - Brain Mapping and the Connectome Anterior and Posterior Cortex: What's 'Hot' and What's Not? - Anesthetic and Psychoactive Drugs, Language and Consciousness - Non-Invasive Brain Modulation, Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness - Panpsychism, Idealism and Spacetime Geometry
Quantum Brain Biology - Time, Free Will and Consciousness
Early Center Videos/Podcasts through 2016
apple itunes podcasts are being uploaded to our YouTube Channel
THE SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS - 2017 - San Diego - JUNE 5-10, 2017
Hyatt Regency Hotel - La Jolla - San Diego, California
Updated Program (June 1, 2017)
Book of Abstracts (May 12. 2017)
2017 Plenary Sessions
Science of Consciousness
San Diego Conference
Additional Workshops
PL 1 2017 Can Machines Be Conscious ?
Roger Penrose, Joscha Bach, Harmut Neven
PL 2 2017 Language and Consciousness
Thomas Bever, Michael Spivey, Noam Chomsky
PL 3 2017 Biophysics 1 - Memory Spin Anesthesia
Matthew Fisher, Travis Craddock
PL 4 2017 Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation
Vince Clark, John Allen, Marvin Berman, Michael Rohan
PL 5 2017 Physics, Cosmology and Consciousness
Ivette Fuentes, Brian Keating, James Tagg
PL 6 2017 Music and the Brain
Elaine Chew, Scott Makeig
PL 7 2017 Neuroscience and Consciousness 1
Stephen Grossberg, Georg Northoff, Philip Low
PL 8 2017 Neuroscience and Consciousness 2 - Anomalies
Daniel Sheehan, Peter Fenwick, Lakhmir Chawla
PL 9 2017 Biophysics Memristors in the Brain?
Leon Chua, Jack Tuszynski
PL 10 2017 Neuroscience and Consciousness 3
Gentry Patrick, VS Ramachandran, Charles Stevens
PL 11 2017 Vibrations, Resonance and Consciousness
Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Jonathan Schooler, Erick Viirre
PL 12 2017 Eastern Philosophy
Xu Yingjin, Deepak Chopra*
PL 13 2017 Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness
Bruce Damer, Alysson Muotri, Stuart Hameroff
Additional Workshops:
*Deepak Chopra - How We Create the Human Universe - June 6, 2017
*Dayalbagh Educational Institute DEI East West Forum - June 5, 2017
TSC 2017 Vision Talk Prof. PS Satsangi.mp4
Prof. PS Satsangi (You Tube)
Integrated DEI East-West Forum - Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India
workshop and exchange with Science of Consciousness Conference, San Diego
(June 5, 2017) Panel Discussion.mp4
Panel Discussion (You Tube)
Consciousness Central - The Daily Show Interviews with Speakers and Guests
New Interviews Posted - NOAM CHOMSKY,
*Conference Photos - A Collection of Daily Folders Brad Buhr and Noah Buhr, Photographers
Thank you to our sponsor Alvin J. Clark Foundation for support in making these videos available to the general public.
Plenary Session Videos from San Diego
Noam Chomsky, Hartmut Neven, Roger Penrose and more
Deepak Chopra - How We Create the Human Universe
Integrated DEI East-West Forum Vision Talk Prof. PS Satsangi
Conference Photos
Updated Program Sheet (Program Updates June 1, 2017)
Final Book of Abstracts (Abstracts, Program Book May 12. 2017)
You Tube
Additional Video with Speakers and Guests
Consciousness Central - The Daily Show -
Interviews with Speakers and Guests
Workshops - Videos
1. Deepak Chopra - How We Create the Human Universe
2. Integrated DEI East-West Forum
3. TSC 2017 Vision Talk Prof. PS Satsangi
2017 Conference Photos - A Collection of Daily Folders - credit: Brad Buhr
The Science of Consciousness, April 25-30, 2016
2016 Plenary Videos (youtube)
2016 Plenary Videos (iTunes)
2016 Science of Consciousness (book of Abstracts)
Plenary PL1-PL12 - Bios
2016 Science of Consciousness -Program Book
YouTube-2016 Plenary Videos
2016 Co-Sponsors
Stuart Hameroff, Center for Consciousness Studies, Tucson; George Mashour, Center for Consciousness Science, Ann Arbor
Conference Director, Abi Behar Montefiore; Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson
2016 Program Book Final Version
Consciousness Chronicles
Consciousness Central TV
The Deeper You Go: The Interviews
Conference Trailer - Video
YouTube-2016 Plenary Videos
2016 Program Book Final Version
Conference Flyer PDF-Final
Conference Release 1
Conference Flyer 2
Registration Brochure/Order Form and Cancellation Policy
JPEG artwork-flyer
Final Announcement March 31, 2016
"The Science of Consciousness Asks Big Questions" April 12, 2016
Program Book
2016 Abstracts
Conference Trailer 2016
Consciousness Central TV
TSC Playlist
Daily round up-
Nick Day, Host
Science of Consciousness Conference
Is Carnival of the Mind
by George Johnson
"Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research" Part 1
"Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research" Part 2
"Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research" Part 3
"Dispatch from the Desert of Consciousness Research" Part 4
by John Horgan
JCS Vol. 23, No. 9-10, September/October 2016 ...
2016/Conference Report. 226, All Roads Lead to Consciousness:
The Science of Consciousness, Tucson 2016. Logan T. Trujillo ...
Science of Consciousness TSC, Loews Ventana Canyon Hotel Tucson, Tucson -
April 25-30, 2016
2016 Plenary Bios
2016 TSC "The Science of Consciousness" - Book of Abstracts and Program
2016 Plenary Videos (youtube)
2016 Plenary Videos (iTunes)
2016 TSC 2016 Feature for 2016 TSC Tucson
2016 Consciousness Chronicles-Videos
2016 Consciousness Central - The Daily Show from TSC Tucson
2016 Consciousness Central 2016 Tucson
Consciousness Chronicles
2016 - TSC -Media files
Conference Trailer - Video
YouTube-2016 Plenary Videos
Program Book Final Version 2016
Conference Flyer PDF-Final
Conference Release 1
Conference Flyer 2
Registration Brochure/Order Form and Cancellation Policy
JPEG artwork-flyer
Final Announcement March 31, 2016
"The Science of Consciousness Asks Big Questions" April 12, 2016 AHSC Memo
2016 Abstracts Program Book
Consciousness Central TV Conference Trailer 2016
TSC Playlist Consciousness Central TV
Nick Day, Host Daily round up
20th Anniversary - 2014
Toward a Science of Consciousness, Tucson AZ - April 21-26, 2014, Tucson
It was 20 years ago today
Conscious Chronicles 4 Interview with Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff
TSC 2014 Videos - YouTube
2 0 1 4 Tucson ARIZONA
2014, Toward a Science of Consciousness-20th Anniversary,
"Tucson X1" - April 21-26, 2014, Marriott - University Park
University of Arizona, co-chaired by
Stuart Hameroff and David Chalmers
Abi Behar Montefiore, Conference Manager
Toward a Science of Consciousness
Organized & Hosted by the Center for Consciousness Studies
2014 Program, Schedule
2014 Book of Abstracts / pdf
Plenary & Keynote Speakers Bios and Photos
Art-Tech Health Demos
Pre-Con Workshops
Can Science Become Enlightened? Deepak Chopra
Brain Mapping Symposium
Consciousness Central TV Daily Roundup
TSC2014 Archive Conference Web Pages
Consciousness Central TV Daily Roundup
2014 Abstract Journal - Sample
2014 Consciousness Central TV
daily roundup with speakers and guests
2014 Program/Abstract Book
2014 The Deeper You Go: The Interviews
Brain Mapping Symposium
UA College of Medicine Auditorium
Sponsored by The Center for Consciousness Studies
Henry Markram, Christof Koch, Anirban Bandyopadhyay held 4/24/14
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, UMC Duval Auditorium

The 1st Bhaumik Prize in Consciousness Studies was awarded to
Sir Roger Penrose at the TSC 2014 Conference for significant
research toward understanding consciousness............more
war of world views
Deepak Chopra
Leonard Mlodinow
Sue Blackmore
Consciousness Central Daily roundup of events
interviews with TSC 2014 Plenary Speakers
See CCS TSC YouTube Channel for Plenary Session Videos
iTunes - disabled
Tucson Vintage - Photo Archive-early days 1994-2007
Co-Sponsored Conferences
Poetry Slam/Zombie Blues
Consciousness Bulletins
1996 Tucson Conference video
2008-2015-Film Video Interviews
Tucson Vintage - Archive-early days 1994-2007
Vimeo Selections:
The Tucson Conferences - Biennial
Since 1994, the biennial series "Toward a Science of Consciousness" conferences are a landmark of international, interdisciplinary events sponsored by the University of Arizona devoted entirely to unlocking the mysteries of consciousness. They have explored the whole spectrum of approaches from philosophy of mind and cognitive science, to neurobiology, pharmacology, and molecular dynamics, phenomenological accounts, and physics. The aim is to lay a sound scientific foundation for future research.
2012 Tucson ARIZONA
The 10th Biennial - Toward a Science of Consciousness
April 9-14, 2012 TUCSON, ARIZONA
Link to 2012 TSC Abstracts
Blackmore and Chopra
2012, Toward a Science of Consciousness- The 10th Biennial, "Tucson X" - April 9-14, 2012, Loews Ventana Canyon Resort
Link to 2012 TSC Abstracts
The 10th Biennial - Toward a Science of Consciousness
April 9-14, 2012 TUCSON, ARIZONA
Link to 2012 TSC Abstracts
Blackmore and Chopra
2012, Toward a Science of Consciousness- The 10th Biennial, "Tucson X" - April 9-14, 2012, Loews Ventana Canyon Resort
Link to 2012 TSC Abstracts
2011 Stockholm SWEDEN
Program/Abstract Book
2010 Tucson ARIZONA
2010 Tucson Arizona - The 9th biennial Toward a Science of Consciousness
TSC 2010
2010, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson IX"
Tucson Convention Center
2010 Photos
2010 More Photos (Chalmers)
2010 Flyer
2010 INDEX to Conference Web pages
2010 Special Seminar - Microtubules
Oldies But Goodies
Moral Phenomenology
Consciousness in Copenhagen
Picture Slide Show by Robert van Gulick
2 0 0 8 Tucson ARIZONA
2008 Toward a Science of Consciousness
"Tucson VIII"
April 8-12, 2008, Tucson Convention Center
The 8th biennial Toward a Science of Consciousness
Link to 2008 TSC Abstracts
artwork: Dave Cantrell, BioMed, AHSC, UMC
2006, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson VII" -April 4-8, 2006, Tucson Convention Center
2004, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson VI" -April 7-11, 2004, Tucson Convention Center
2002, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson V" -April 8-12, 2002, Tucson Convention Center
2000, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson IV" - April 10-15, 2000, Tucson Convention Center
Complete program including abstracts
1998, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson III" -April 27-May 2, 1998, University of Arizona
1996, Toward a Science of Consciousness, "Tucson II" -April 8-13, 1996, University of Arizona
1994, Toward a Scientific Basis for Consciousness, "Tucson I" -April 12-17, 1994, University of Arizona
Quantum Mind Conferences
Quantum Mind 1
Flagstaff, AZ 1999
Quantum Mind Conferences
Quantum Mind 2
Tucson, AZ 2003
Quantum Mind 2003
QM2 The second Quantum Mind conference was held in March 2003 at the Tucson Convention Center. - Over 300 participants attended.
1999 QM-1 Quantum Approaches Program
QM1 Quantum Mind Conference 1999 - The first Quantum Mind conference was held at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona in August 1999 Over 100 participants attended.
Quantum Mind List Serv Discussions - QuantumMind Archives
Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates,1996

Complete program including abstracts/ Selected papers published by MIT Press
The Science of Consciousness Conferences and Special Programs - VIDEOS: 2007-2024